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Be Apart of a Great Opportunity and Make An Income Within Crypto Trading

All the practice you need to Get Started and skyrocket in the trading space

Crypto Swap Profits helps the newbie and experienced investor make money and have true results in crypto.

Learn 7 ways to make money with Crypto with the main focus in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Most of our mastermind members join for 3 reasons:

1. Step-by-step simple training

2. Daily "Swap Alerts"

3. Safe community

This is the latest and greatest in the crypto world and at the end of the day our students get results.

Course Is Based On Your Level Of Expertise!

This course is structure subject, is right from a beginner to an expert in such a way that it helps students with different levels of expertize

    Here are just a few things you will learn:

  • The basics of Cryptocurrency

  • What is DeFi, and why is it going to change the world of finance forever?

  • Smart Risk / High Reward Rules-Based Trading

  • Altcoins and the explosive growth that is happening

  • What The Major Risks Are And What To Watch Out For

  • Learn what DApps and DEX are and how it's changing the world of Finance as we know it

  • Learn which "Swap" DEX you should start with and why. It does make a difference!

  • Learn All About different crypto blockchains and protocols

  • Learn how to set up and protect your different Crypto wallets.

  • The basics of Cryptocurrency

  • Learn how to fund your crypto wallet the right way

  • Learn our Rules-Based trading system

  • The basics of CryptocurrencLearn how to identify new crypto projects and existing ones that are ripe for profitsy

  • Learn about IDOs and pre-sales and how to get in EARLY on new projects

  • Learn all the different ways you can early passive income with crypto

  • Learn the "SECRET WEAPON" of AUTOMATION in this whole Decentralized Finance world - This makes the difference in entering a trade at the right price, exiting a trade in profitability AND doing all this while you are sleeping. THIS ONE STRATEGY IS WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT IN THE MASTERMIND. PERIOD. And so much more... New content and training arrives in the member's area as technology updates.

  • In the Mastermind you have access to:

  • A community of experts waiting to help you when you have a question - Have a question? Just head over to the forums or live chat group and search or ask your question live. Our team and community will help you if you get stuck.

  • Researched pre-launch-potential trade and pre-launch opportunities - One of the secrets to DeFi trading is that many of the best opportunities don't show up on the major platforms till they have been around for several weeks. If you can figure out who these companies and projects are BEFORE they go live on the DEX you have a MASSIVE advantage over other traders. Our team and community of researchers are always on the look for these deals and we post them daily in our Mastermind forums. Swap Alerts - When our team identifies potential profitable projects and tokens that have the indicators of being a winner we always alert our Mastermind as many times you have a small window to do your research and take action. We are not saying all of the Swap Alerts are home runs but over the years we have been pretty darn good at picking some grand slams.

  • Do your own research, of course, but we want to help you weed through all the garbage out there to find those gems. Ongoing Group Coaching Videos And Updates - Things can change fast in the DeFi world, and we do the legwork to make sure you are always in the know. You have access to our many daily and weekly update training videos to help you get that edge.

  • We Don't Compete With Each Other. In Fact, The More Of Us, The Better We All Do - It's a very common occurrence in our Mastermind for our members as a collective to find those "Moon" trades, and of course, we all share with each other as there is power in working together in numbers. In fact, some of our BEST trades have come from our family of members.

  • Yes, we consider our Mastermind a family.

Get Ready to Achieve and Conquer Great Crypto Swapping profits

Be Apart of a Great Opportunity and Make An Income Within Crypto Trading

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